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KISJ MS Library

This is the guide to the Middle School Library at Korea International School Jeju.

Personal Interview

Interviews typically fall into two categories: print or broadcast published and unpublished (personal) interviews, although interviews may also appear in other, similar formats such as in e-mail format or as a Web document.

The MLA citation format for a personal interview is as follows:

  1. Begin with the name of the person being interviewed, followed by a period.

  2. Indicate the type of interview, such as "Personal interview," followed by a period.

  3. Date: Provide the date of the interview, using the day-month-year format, followed by a period.

  4. Medium of publication: Indicate the medium of publication, such as "In-person" or "Telephone," followed by a period.

  5. Optional: If relevant, include any additional information, such as the location of the interview or the reason for the interview.

Here is an example of an MLA citation for a personal interview:

Doe, John. Personal interview. 15 March 2022. In-person.


  • Author. "Subject line of the email." Name of Recipient [preceded by "Received by"], Date message was sent.

Smythe, Eleanor. "Many Thanks for Volunteering!" Received by Veronica Frank and Charles Nicholson, 4 Sept. 2016.

Zeltner, Abby. "Re: Author Signing in the CUB." Received by Linda Morris, 23 Nov. 2017.

Link to Examples