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HS Korean Books: Home

The HS Library collection for both Korean and English versions.

News & Magazine

1. 코리아 타임즈 ( The Korea Times )

 : The Korea Times, The daily is well-regarded for its news services of international and business, economic and financial news. The daily has become a consistent and reliable source of information about the economic development and other important changes in Korea for local and overseas readers alike.

* HS Library subscribe the Korea Times newspaper. If you want to get some back issues, please feel free to contact HS Librarians. 

2. 코리아 헤럴드 ( The Korea Herald )

: The Korea Herald is the English newspaper in both online and offline markets, distributing content to some 80 countries around the world. The Korea Herald looks to serve as a stepping stone to report Korea’s world top 10 economy and culture across the globe. 

3. 코리아나 ( Koreana )

: Koreana, is the Korea Foundation’s quarterly, which is published in nine languages to promote Korean arts and culture around the world. 
Koreana has dealt with a broad spectrum of Korean arts and culture, ranging from Paleolithic relics to contemporary media and installation art; from the splendid royal court culture of the Joseon Dynasty to today’s street art and fashion, from literature to film and various other cultural genres. 

* HS Library subscribe Koreana magazine. If you want to check-out, please stop by the HS Library.